Photo exhibitions
at the National Theatre - visited two this evening, James Sparshatt's Peru – The Land of the Inca - incredible images from the roof of the world, and a wealth of archaeological questions and answers. The other was The Press Photographer’s Year - the first image I saw was truly shocking - the bus from the Lonon bombings last year, but literally minutes after the explosion - the driver was in shock walking away from the bus, and, most upsetting of all, you could see those who died towards the rear - you can view this and the other pictures here.
Fuck, amazing snaps. Cunting scum-king suicide-bombers. I'm sporting a magnificent hangover, which perhaps isn't the time to look at such photos. No, any time is a good time to see them, on second thoughts.
I wrote something here too, though can't remember what. But I did look through that photo exhibition. I think I wrote something along the lines of, "Suicide bomber cunting fuckwit wankers," which perhaps wasn't majorly articulate. How CAN people allow themselves to engage with death so easily? I must move to a hippy commune in the Carpathians with no contact with the outside world (bar high-speed, broadband, unlimited internet access, natch).
Belief is a bad thing. As is lack of it (very Camusesque...). I guess extremes of anything lead to suffering.
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