Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Thanks to Pavlik, I think I've set up an RSS feed from this blog. Those of you who know what RSS, please feel free to add it (if you want my deranged ramblings to appear). Those of you who don't, either Google RSS, or wait for next version of IE, which will have automatic RSS.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja, aber how does one, as it were, get it? Do I need to sign up somewhere?

12:17 pm  
Blogger lukeski said...

I Mozilla at work and at home, and Inforss is ideal - new headlines appear next to the status bar. If you are still lining Mr Gates' pockets, there must be thousands of rss readers to choose from. Newsgator is an excellent web-based one (like Hotmail, but for news, blogs, etc).

12:43 pm  

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