Saturday, December 31, 2005

Pushkin, 1834

Пора, мой друг, пора! покоя сердце просит —
Летят за днями дни, и каждый час уносит
Частичку бытия, а мы с тобой вдвоем
Предполагаем жить, и глядь — как раз умрем.
На свете счастья нет, но есть покой и воля.
Давно завидная мечтается мне доля —
Давно, усталый раб, замыслил я побег
В обитель дальную трудов и чистых нег.

Pinched from this rather wonderful site.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liukchik, I must say I got a bit of a scare when I saw you'd uploaded this. So please say it was only a farewell to 2005.

Pavvers has mentioned K *** so I'm going to give Pushkers another airing any minute now. Why say it yourself when you can get a dead Russian to do it for you, eh?

I hope 2006 has started brilliantly for you.

3:01 pm  
Blogger lukeski said...

I've always adored this poem - even Pamela's reinforcement of my naive distaste for poetry when teaching the introduction to Russian poetry course back in 1996 couldn't prevent A.S.'s genius shining through.

3:18 pm  

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