Friday, June 09, 2006

Five Tibetans

OK. So I haven't been doing the exercises as much as I should have. In fact, I've only been doing the first rite, and my body is slowly getting used to it. Putting your arms out and turning 21 times is an interesting experience. Given that I haven't been on a roundabout since I was eight, and that even then it used to make me feel intensely nauseous - I even refuse the joy (?!) of the waltzers because they make me feel so interminably ill. So spinning 21 times is interesting. I don;t feel quite as bad as I did when I started, but the author does say that your boday adjusts to this sensation (abuse?) after a couple of weeks. The other rites seem more physically challenging, as you use the weight of you body to build strength, but if it will give me a body like those in the illustrations without having to spend money/time on the gym/steroids/a personal trainer, it can only be good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does the spinning do for you? Is it meant to improve balance or what? Are you now wiry and coltish?

3:53 pm  
Blogger lukeski said...

It does work, I have to say. I am unconvinced by the spinning, but the other bits certainly make me ache in a good way. Would you like a copy to peruse?

4:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love one. I need to do something about my ludicrous 'organizm', as our friends in a certain country might say. (Hurrah. Germany 1 Sweden 0. Can't forgive Ljungberg for not coming out properly.)

4:09 pm  

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