Saturday, June 10, 2006

Latest news from Germany

Man Murders Woman With Sausage

German police have arrested a man on suspicion of murdering a woman with a sausage.

Prosecutors and police said the 50-year-old was arrested after the woman's body was discovered in an apartment in Zwickau, eastern Germany.

They said she had choked on a Bockwurst, a popular large German sausage.

The prosecutors said the man had given a patchy account of events, acknowledging that he may have "administered" a Bockwurst to the woman.

They are now working to establish exactly what happened in the run up to her death.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this (at the BBC?) too. I tried to imagine how they would have put "administered" in German. and whether any sexual undertones may have been present (possibly).

7:42 pm  

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